Photography & Animation

Valentine Day’s Facebook Post

KellerShop planned to post an animation on Facebook for Valentine’s Day. For promotional needs, the product of the month (the Ash Root Robot Lamp by Soyee) should appear on it, and the copy’s title my brand manager gave me was the famous “Release the flash!”. Since there, I was in charge of the design (GIF) and its story.

Making time : 1 week

The project was done in Ton Horizon design agency.

Lovely Flash And Light

Valentine’s day is the day where you show somebody your love.

And there’s a funny expression in Taiwan to describe the display of affection between a couple, “放”, literally translated into English, it could mean “To release the flash”.

So when it’s flashing, you should pretend to put on your sunglasses, to show that you’re as funny.

Lamps Promotion

As its name can tell, the Lamp’s body looks like a robot. For having worked with it on other projects, I’ve already played with the lamp several times before, and found out that it can be personified easily.

“They’re going to be in love.”


Keller Brand has always had a very tranquil pace, with a little hipster touch. So instead of a classic consumerist image with passionate colors and rich setting, I was thinking about going the other way.

Find Love In A Lonely Place

Usually very romantic scenes happen when people declare their flame on quite an empty place like, on the roof. It’s the contrast between the love of the couple and the loneliness of the place that makes it even more romantic. So I chose quite an empty space with a melancholic and bluish ambiance as setting, to accentuate the wait and loneliness of the first Lamp, so that when the second Lamp gets in, you’ll know that they found love in a hopeless, sorry lonely place.

“Wow, it looks like, you know that lamp in PIXAR. Very nice!”

-Brand Manager